Capital Creation 2015 (past event)
28 - 30 September, 2015
Andre Aubert
LGT Capital Partners
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Andre.
Download The Latest AgendaDay 2
Tuesday, May 9th, 2017
14:20 ALL STAR PANEL: Secondary Directs, Liquidity Options and Restructurings – are these just market fads or true routes for mid-market liquidity and exit?
- Are such GP-sponsored routes just a fad or will this strategy continue to benefit both LPs looking for liquidity and GPs to exit?
- How common are such transactions and what are the pitfalls for both LPs and GPs?
- As a buyer, what are the ways that you can participate in such transactions and how do they work in practice?
- Do you need to have a different skill set, given the more direct nature of diligence and legal negotiations?